685HP Opel Kadett 2.0T: Wolf in Sheeps Clothing!
WKT a tuning company in Germany has build this incredible 685hp Opel Kadett LS. The stock car had a 1.6, now, after the swap the car is running a 2.0 Turbo with 685hp. A couple of specs I found on the internet: Opel Kadett E Turbo Low Boost 1,8bar 450 Hp Max Boost 2,45bar 625 Hp (Now has 685hp) All Parts from WKT Driver WKT ECU KMS MP25 4.57 sec for 100-200km/h 8.26 sec for 100-250km/h, Vmax top speed: 313km/h This sleeper, wolf in sheep’s clothing, or whatever you’d call it is just epic! I have never seen such incredible specs from such a normal looking car. The Kadett has amazed my that day. What a beast!
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