Other Engine Sizes

Find 0 to 60 specs for Cars with Other Engine Sizes

This section includes a list of 0-60 times for cars with engine sizes and/or configurations that are not found within the other 3 Cylinder, 4 Cylinder, 5 Cylinder, 6 Cylinder, 8 Cylinder, 10 Cylinder, 12 Cylinder or Electric Car 0-60 mph stat lists on this site. Although the aforementioned engine sizes or types comprise the vast majority of engines, there are still automobiles utilizing other engine configurations. Some of the engine types included in this ‘All Other Cylinder Cars’ 0-60 database range from a $3,000 Tata Nano featuring a humble 37HP 2-Cylinder motor to a world-leading $3,000,000 dollar

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Bugatti 0 to 60 MPH & Quarter Mile Times View All Bugatti Stats

2022 Bugatti Chiron Super Sport
0-60 mph 2.2 Quarter mile 9.1 Compare
2020 Bugatti Divo
0-60 mph 2.4 Compare
2018 Bugatti Chiron Sport
0-60 mph 2.4 Quarter mile 9.4 Compare
2017 Bugatti Chiron Sport
0-60 mph 2.4 Compare
2015 Bugatti Veyron Rembrandt Legends Edition
0-60 mph 2.5 Compare
2013 Bugatti Veyron 16.4 Grand Sport Vitesse
0-60 mph 2.4 Quarter mile 9.9 Compare
2011 Bugatti Veyron 16.4 Super Sport
0-60 mph 2.4 Quarter mile 9.6 Compare
2010 Bugatti Veyron 16.4 Grand Sport
0-60 mph 2.5 Compare
2009 Bugatti Veyron EB 16.4
0-60 mph 2.4 Quarter mile 10.1 Compare
2007 Bugatti Veyron EB 16.4
0-60 mph 2.5 Quarter mile 10.1 Compare

Chrysler 0 to 60 MPH & Quarter Mile Times View All Chrysler Stats

2011 Chrysler Ypsilon 0.9 TwinAir
0-60 mph 11.5 Compare

Fiat 0 to 60 MPH & Quarter Mile Times View All Fiat Stats

2016 Fiat Panda 0.9 TwinAir
0-60 mph 10.8 Compare
2016 Fiat 500 0.9 TwinAir
0-60 mph 9.7 Compare
2015 Fiat Panda Cross 0.9 TwinAir
0-60 mph 11.6 Compare
2015 Fiat 500 0.9 TwinAir 85 Lounge
0-60 mph 10.6 Compare
2014 Fiat 500 Cult TwinAir 105
0-60 mph 9.7 Compare
2013 Fiat Panda Trekking TwinAir
0-60 mph 11.1 Compare
2012 Fiat Panda 0.9 TwinAir
0-60 mph 10.8 Compare

Honda 0 to 60 MPH & Quarter Mile Times View All Honda Stats

1971 Honda N600
0-60 mph 20.8 Quarter mile 21.3 Compare

Lancia 0 to 60 MPH & Quarter Mile Times View All Lancia Stats

2011 Lancia Ypsilon 0.9 Twin-Air
0-60 mph 11.5 Compare

Microcar 0 to 60 MPH & Quarter Mile Times View All Microcar Stats

2007 Microcar MC1
0-60 mph 11.6 Compare

Morgan 0 to 60 MPH & Quarter Mile Times View All Morgan Stats

2020 Morgan 3-Wheeler Euro 4
0-60 mph 6.9 Compare
2013 Morgan 3-Wheeler Euro 3
0-60 mph 5.8 Compare

Polaris 0 to 60 MPH & Quarter Mile Times View All Polaris Stats

2024 Polaris Xpedition XP5 NorthStar
0-60 mph 14.1 Quarter mile 19.3 Compare

Tata 0 to 60 MPH & Quarter Mile Times View All Tata Stats

2014 Tata Nano Twist XT
0-60 mph 27.0 Compare
2009 Tata Nano
0-60 mph 29.0 Compare

Volkswagen 0 to 60 MPH & Quarter Mile Times View All Volkswagen Stats

2014 Volkswagen XL1 Diesel Plug-in Hybrid
0-60 mph 12.3 Compare
*Limited to car stats on this site